Friday, April 09, 2010

Updates & complains :p

So its been a while since I've updated my blog. Its not so much law school that's keeping me from it but the expensive internet in Australia... I'm just so used to the unlimited high speed broad band of Singapore and USA that coming to the Australian 1 Mbps internet is just absolutely shocking...

Law school hasn't been that bad. Sure there's tonnes of reading, but its actually more manageable than my undergrad degree at UC Berkeley. Had so much parties at the start of Sem that bascially i'm kind of tired of partying now... amazing... can you ever tire of partying? Well perhaps its the age...

Easter Break is coming to an end, lets see, so I got to hang out with some of my Singapore friends, cooked some local dishes together mm MMmm so good. (Dorm food can be quite horrible at times) and watched tonnes of movies! - Alice in Wonderland, Clash of the Titans, Valentines Day, and I'm watching How to Train Your Dragon tomorrow! Tickets are insanely expensive here as well... $20 per movie... Sux...

Clash of the Titans (2010) was a big disappointment thou. The director totally altered the storyline and sacrificed it for some lousy special effects. Really lousy piece of work considering that it is a 2010 film and its worst off than the 1981 version of it. Not only did he cut a 3 hour film into 1 hour plus of plain CGI with no plot, he excluded the battle with Cerebus after the river Styxx, excluded the Goddess Athena appearing in the King's Court, and excluded Poseidon appearing from the sea to aid the voyage!!! And since when did Hades have a family feud with Zeus... stupid stupid Stupid storyline....

Back to more productive stuff, I'm done with Foundations of Law's Final, Done with Torts Final and come monday I'll be done with Legal Research I & II! And I've just registered for Mooting Competitions as well... well... its gonna be a busy few weeks for the competitions...

Alrite so much for updating. Till next time... =)

Friday, April 02, 2010

Time to go home

I used to think that the pastures in the lands beyond were greener than those I was on...
I used to travel so much and never stayed in one place for long...
My life has been a sail, catching on the waves of the sea...
Floating on to where ever the breeze may take me to live...
But perhaps its age, or perhaps I've seen it all...
The new surroundings fail to interest me anymore...
Looking out the window, to different gardens every time...
I think its time to return to the place which is rightly mine...