Friday, May 30, 2008


As a result of my late dinner last nite, I had nightmares during my sleep... Dreamt that I parked my car somewhere and walked into a haunted mansion. In there it was a maze and there were ghosts and monsters and evil wizards! But I was not afraid, and becoz I was not afraid, they could not touch me. Then the scary part came... I suddenly realized that if I did not get out fast, I was going to be late for school! So I ran and ran and ran! And then... I woke up...
School's scary... Hahaz.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Went to Walmart to walk today, spent a lil time at the clothes section, then spent about an hour walking around the camping section, looking at different camping tools, multi-purpose tools, battery-less lamps, and first aid kits... and finally walked out empty handed again... I realize I like camping gadgets... I realize I like to do window shopping too... Lolz

Got inspiried to cook Japanese Curry for dinner tonight. Tot it was gonna be easy... took me 2 hours instead... Ended up having dinner at around 9pm... And we just learned in school that eating after 7pm is bad... But I couldn't help it... I was hungry and it smelt good! So I had second servings too! Lolz (There goes my hope for growing thinner...)

The last time I cooked Jap curry was when I first came to USA in 2001. It was with the first group of friends that I made in USA - Yuka, Hideaki, Shuji, Yuri... (Yup... they're all Japanese...) And that was the best Jap Curry that I have ever had.

Got to know a new friend today too - Cherlyn. Was joking with Weyman about wanting to know her and who knows he really added her in our chat! =.="... But I guess, its always nice to know more friends! So yup, nice meeting you Cherlyn! =) And yupz... thanks Weyman for introducing. (Nah... happy? Your name finally appeared in my post. Lolz)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Monday, May 26, 2008


Got up early today to go to the monastery to cook. Sleepy.... but once we got there, it was straight to work! Today's menu is special... its done entirely by the kids! And I er... I erm... am a kid at heart! Lolz! So i helped out too! =)

Pic 1: Recieving instructions from the expert!
Pic 2: Billy, concentrating on creating the perfect lemonade
Pic 3: Our cooks at work!

Pic 1: Team 2 hard at work too! Making the desserts.
Pic 2 & 3: Check out the spread!!! All done by kids! Impressive huhz! (Of course, the mums were the ones with the recipes, giving the instructions but the food was all prepared by young ones alone! Amazing isn't it?)

Had a really good lunch and following that, went with Andrew and his mom to do some shopping in Berkeley before heading over for Kristine's party in San Francisco. The Carnival was happening right at her doorstep! How cool is that?

Pic 1: Check out that crowd!
Pic 2: Dancing by the stage.

An extremely fun day! There's gonna be another party tomorrow as its Memorial Day! But I think I'm gonna have to skip out on that... Too much partying... Finals in 2 weeks! Lolz... Time to concentrate!がんばって!!!

Call Ben to check on boys too, guess most of them are fine now. Only Kenny got his jaw dislocated from the accident... Poor guy... and I guess Mr. K is still in a pretty bad shape. Hope everyone gets better soon!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Woke up specially early today intending to go for a jog. But just when I was about to leave, the rain and fog comes -.-... It hasn't rained for like weeks! Why now.. when I finally decided to exercise for once... Felt so cheated... so i decided to walk into the kitchen instead and make something to eat... Hahahahz! Oh wellz... i needed to do something right...

Went to support the boys school basketball game later. They were playing 3 games this time! And in between games, it was all the "arghz!" and "oooz!" Lolz.. everyone was aching all over. And Jacky asked me to help him massage his back, and before I knew it, Ali was lying beside him and then came Kenny! A line formed and I became the team's private massage therapist.. =.=... I should start charging man! Lolz... Oh wellz, its good practice for me i guess... hahaz. And Ali's younger brother was guessing my age and he said I looked 16 but talk like I'm 19! Lolz! Awww love him so much now! Lolz

Well the team won 2nd place amongst all the North Californian Chinese Schools!!! An incredible achievement! Last time the school won was years back! Check out the big smile on my lil bro's face! (Well, not so little anymore.. he's taller than me now. But he'll always be lil bro! Lolz)

Fetched him back to BBM after the games and learned that there was going to be a lunch gathering the next day at the monastery where only the kids will be cooking! So i was invited to stay over at Andrew's place for the night and got to eat really good Soup! Andrew's mom makes some of the best vietnamese dishes! Later learned that the rest of the boys school got into a car accident on the way back. Heard that Mr. K was bleeding but all the other students are ok. Really hope that everyone is fine and not suffering from too big of a whiplash from the accident...

Thursday, May 22, 2008



Oh well... apart from those horrible things i mentioned above... things are going pretty well otherwise...(Its good to know another language! Heez...) Found out that one of my friends in Singapore is actually doing the TCM program in NTU! Lolz... so we started chatting about what we've learned so far and the difference in our curriculum. But I also learned that my current school is not recognized by the TCM board of Singapore. Hmmz... that changes things... what am I gonna do... I think... I'm still gonna go on with it here. Lolz! If Singapore dun want me... I'm sure there's someplace else in the world that wants me. Maybe look for a job in USA? Maybe study with the Healing monk in Thailand? Maybe join the acupuncture school internship in China or Japan? There are other options I guess...

Someone once mentioned that I look like a character that popped out from some anime, especially with my spiky hair. I think i lead my life like one too... Lolz! Meeting different masters, and learning different skills. Very 武俠小說 like... Hahaz. So in response to the tags on my tagboard, I don't think I need to grow up... I've grown already... and am continuing to grow... as mentioned on my side column, おれの性命の町は、自分でいらんで (The path of my life, I shall choose it on my own). I'd admit though.. that my real life mite be slightly anime influenced... but I believe its possible! Heez...

As for others having no choice but to stay mainstream for survival... I think its more like how much risk are they willing to take? How much are they willing to gamble with their life to follow their heart? I believe, if you're doing the right thing... the world will take care of you naturally... The Chinese have a saying, "天下無不可走的路“ right? Or something liddat... Hahz.

Alritez... enuff of my rumblings.. hmmz... think this is the 1st post that contained 3 different languages... Hahaz... just some reflections of mine thou... Whether I'd still maintain the same thinking in the future, I dunno... but for now, thats the direction that the wind is blowing for me... and I chose to follow it. Hmmz... wonder where will it blow me to...

Oh, and to my "son," hope you're feeling better now! Sometimes its not easy growing up as a kid... but being young is one of the best things in life! Take your time to enjoy it. And thank you for all the love! hahz... glad that i was able to be of comfort =)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lil Kiddo

Talked to my "son" today, he said I watched more cartoons than him. Lolz... おれはこどもぽい? hahaz...でもね、エーニメはかこいいだろ!だからいつも見る. そしてもね、おれは別の事はないから =P! Yup... I'm a lil kiddo.. hahaz

Got inspired by the Ethiopian food yesterday so decided to cook lunch today. How does it look? Good enuff? Lolz. Definitely does not taste as good as the restaurant's food but there is one taste that they can never replicate... its the taste of satisfaction of eating your own creation! Heez =D

Monday, May 19, 2008


Had an extraordinary day today! Went back to meet Luang Por Prasert and met many familiar faces there - some schoolmates who heard about him, and of course David Williams my buddy. Also met Amdee there! She was the one who translated for me during my session with Luang Por Jumnian.

Got a really good healing. When I just sat down before him, Luang Por asked about my accident. I was shocked. It was only my 2nd day knowing him. He gave me some healing with his hands and also invited me to visit his monastery in Thailand to learn about healing. Later, I even became the scribe for the translator, writing prescriptions to people, and taking notes for my own knowledge. At the end of the day, Luang Por also gave me a gift, the candle he used to channel his energy through. It was originally straight but melted into that shape. In thailand, people would have fought to get their hands on these things. I've basically gotten hold of a Babylonian Candle! Lolz (If you're not sure what that is, watch Star Dust! =P)

And everyone was given tough tasting prescriptions like peppercorn, skin of pineapple, lotus seeds, thai herbs... but when it came to me, i was asked to go drink vodka. Everyone laughed and said I got the best prescription. I checked with Luang Por with regards to the precepts, he said it is fine. This is for medicinal purpose, plus the translator said I got permission from a monk... Lolz, so i guess I'm gonna drink vodka for the first time in years...

Following that, went to an Ethiopian restaurant with David to have dinner. The food was Reaaalllly delicious... And they serve everything in one large plate with no utensils. Really cool! Last time I went there with him was a year ago when I was dropping by the area. Time flies...

Pic 1: Check out the shape of the candle
Pic 2: Ethiopian Cuisine! Yummy...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Herbs and Healing

Had a really fun day today learning about herbs and healing. In the morning, traveled to Samuel P. Taylor State Park to meet a Curandero, a Hispanic Healer by the name of Charles Garcia, and he took us on a trail through the woods to identify native wild herbs that we can use for healing and for wounds!

Following that, met up with David Williams in Berkeley where they were having Spring Cleaning at the monastery. Met so many old faces of Drby. Met Estee too! Been 4 years since i last met her... Then took off with David and headed for Los Gatos to meet a Thai healing monk - Luang Por Prasert who gave a dharma talk about healing.

Pic 1: Curandero Charles and the group.
Pic 2: Herb to the left is Thistle, root is used for clearing the lymphatic vessels. Herb to the right is Red Dock, also a good lymphatic cleanser, cleanses fats from vessels. And can be used to relieve Stinging Nettle's sting too.

Pic 1: Usnea (green moss on the ground) - Nature's penicillin. Can be grounded in placed into open wounds. Also good for pneumonia & urinary infections.
Pic 2: Cleavers (coz they cleave onto u) Bladder and Kidney problems.
Pic 3: Brooke Mint. Least tasty of mint family, but used to lower fevers and wash rashes.

Pic 1: Dutchman's Pipe/Arrow root - strong herb to kick start digestive juices
Pic 2: Redwood Sorrel - Astringent to cuts
Pic 3: Californian black berry - treats Diarrhea/dysentry

Pic 1: Cow Parse Nip - helps regenerate nerves in trauma
Pic 2: Mugwort - Sedative, psycho-altering drug that helps with fevers and insomnia. Chinese Medicine uses this alot as moxa. Known as 哎葉.
Pic 3: Wild rose - high in vit C, combats scurvy, blood tonic.

Pic 1: Periwinkle (This I know! Charly taught me to eat the nectar in the flowers!) The leaves are good for high blood pressure and varicose veins. Its a Vaso-dilator.
Pic 2: Miner's Lettuce (This I know too! Ate it with Charly & Tommy in Cttb) High in Vit C and helps with blood pressure.
Pic 3: Last but not least, Indian cucumber... this is not a herb. Its used in homeopathy thou... extremely lethal. A few drops of its sap can kill a person.

We also went through some others, such as redwood bark which is an astringent for skin sores, and Trillium leaves that helps in ovarian cysts and endometriosis. Pretty cool morning.

For the afternoon with Luang Por Prasert, some pointers he gave to good health are these: Diet, Bowel, Exercise, Air, Emotions.

For Diet: 1) Eat Slowly; 2) Know what your body needs; 3) Moderate Amount 4) Before Sleeping, drink a glass of warm water. After waking, drink a glass of warm water again.

For Bowels: 1) Don't do it before 6am; 2) Don't read while doing your business

For Exercise: Don't exercise after meals. Don't SLEEP after meals! Morning exercise when sun is rising is best. When waking up, rub hands together and give face and head a massage before getting up. This gives an energy boost.

For Air: In the day, trees give off Oxygen, good to rest under trees. At night, trees give off Carbon dioxide, not as good. Try to get as much fresh air as possible. If always in aircon, leave a bowl of water in the room to moisturize the air.

For Emotions: Watch your emotions, Do meditation, Practice deep breathing.

The best time for meditation... is when you are still breathing...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sadist and Pervert

Finally done with Mid-terms! Phew! A siiiigh of relief... guess my body's overwork over the past few weeks, feeling the fatigue. And today, I learned that its due to Spleen Qi deficiency! Lolz... sooner or later thats gonna be like my lingo. So be prepared!

Went with my clique to celebrate during lunch. From left to right: Me, Nicole, Vicki, Andrea, Jill, Jimmy and Amanda. See the glow in my aura? Lolz. Fortunately the sun light's covering the dark rings beneath my eyes.

Points class later was difficult. We had several points on the chest and my partner was female, so I had some difficulties trying to locate the points. Really embarressing... My teacher saw that and she came over and said, "Well you better get used to it coz if you're gonna be a doctor, you're definitely gonna be doing more of that." Sigh.. to be a doctor, you not only have to learn how to be a sadist by poking needles into people... you have to learn how to be a pervert too...

Oh and one more thing, to my bro Jeffrey, thank you... for your faith and concern for me... I'm so blessed to have known u! =)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cookie Monsters

Spent the entire day at home studying for Fundamentals Exam and finished a whole roll of Chips Ahoy in the process. Soooo gonna grow fat. Kind of tired of the taste now and was discussing about cookies with my lil sis Julia... And we thought of Oreos next! Lolz... great minds think alike! Heez.. We're both cookie monsters!

Also chatted with Siyuan, one of my men during NS who trained together with me not only on military aspects, but I also brought him out of camp occasionally to train on swimming for competitions. Now he's a close fried of mine and he was saying that he mite come visit me in June too! Lolz... Hmmz... seems like i'll be pretty busy in June... But its all cool! The more the merrier! Heez

Monday, May 12, 2008

Buddha's Birthday

Arrived Cttb at 0100am. Fortunately the gates were not locked and Ben was still up so I managed to crash in his room. Woke up at 6 am for breakfast and the 3 steps 1 bow at 7. And then David shows up and we went for the bathing the buddha ceremony together. From the boys school, only Jacky and Alex were with me from the start. As the ceremony progressed, the rest started to trickle in one by one. You could see that they just woke up. They had a long day yesterday afterall. During lunch, i was assigned to watch the utensil and trash area by Mr. K. Funny thing is that its the same job that I used to do every year during Buddha's Birthday. I was glad to receive the duty though, as it meant that Mr. K takes me as one of the students now. Hung around till about 4pm before finally heading back home.

Pic 1: The Buddhas before the crowd came in.
Pic 2: Charlie and David bathing the buddha.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Was chatting to my bro Aaron today. Said he met Andre at a party and they were talking about how the clique seldom meet up anymore because they're missing one person... Oopz... =P... Hahaz. Its weird how sometimes you enter someone's life and leave your footprints there, and then when you leave, it changes everything. The circle is not complete... dun worry bro.. I'll be back soon... Reaaal soon...

Went to the Boy's school basketball and soccer game at Monta Vista High today. Got there during half time of the basketball and our team was a few points low, but soon after, we did a total turnover and won the game! Go Dragons!

Following that, the same team went to play soccer. Crazy. With only 2 weeks of training, I'd say they did an excellent job out in the field with a 5-4 in the first game and in the 2nd game, the other team forfeited and decided to have a friendly match instead, so all the coach joined in and on our side, Nakula and Mr. K played as well! It was full of fun and excitement and absolutely hilarious moments too esp when Joe tackled the ball from one of the female players of the other school and when we laugh, he replied without hesitation "I didn't touch her!" Hahaz... we weren't even laughing about that.

As for me, other than watching and cheering them on, managed to relieve Michael of his sprained back and at least got him walking again, and also relieved Jacky's cramp on the spot with my limited training from TCM school and my experience from all the years in swimming competitions. Soon after, everyone was saying "Doctor, get the doctor! Hey Jonathan, fix this, fix that!" Lolz... Always glad to be of service! This is the main reason why I chose to study TCM in the first place... I'll work harder! Unfortunately, Raymond had an injury that was beyond my knowledge, so I didn't want to experiment... lest I make it worst.

An extremely fun day overall! Packing up now, and heading up to CTTB tonight for Buddha's Birthday. Oh yah, one more thing... Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Pic 1: Helping to move the goal post.
Pic 2: Kenny & Andrew on the back of the pick up truck.

Pic 1: Dm Tsung's debrief
Pic 2: Nakula & Mr. K in their jerseys

Friday, May 09, 2008

Perfect score

Had a terribly boring day studying yesterday.. absolutely horrendous... but it paid off... I scored perfect score on my Physiology exam today! Woo Hoo! hahaz. And its Milly's birthday today. And we were suppose to go out but everyone was just worn out from studying so we all decided to all go back and crash. But still, happy birthday Milly! Just realize that I know alot of Tauruses! Lolz

Perused some of my Taiwan pics yesterday while taking a break from studying. Definitely want to go back again some time soon... Too bad my school only gives 2 weeks break per quarter... So kiam siap! (Stingy)... Cheyz...

And was looking at Alvin Lee's blog just a while ago. He always has really good photos there and this time it was on Little India and the Mrt... see already... feel so nostalgic... I MISS SINGAPORE! miss the places, miss the food... and most of all... I miss my friends there...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Happy Brithday Jeffrey!

To my Bro Jeffrey, Happy Birthday! Glad that I did make it in time to make that phone call to wish you! Heez... thought i was late. Hope you had a really wonderful celebration. So sorry that I can't be there with ya, but I'll be thinking of u always from way over here in California! Always bro...=)

Well, had my meridians exam today. Played too much over the weekend with the boys school.. didn't study for it... did horrible for my theory portion, but scored full marks for the practical part from practicing on all of them! Lolz... So I guess it balances out... =P

Oooh! And I learned that my bro Sunny is the god brother of my lil sis Julia and my lil bro Andrew! Thats so cool! Heez... coz that makes us one big happy Family! =D

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Bowing Ceremony 3

Finally back from the cttb once again. This time, I had a really enjoyable time up there. For the bowing ceremony, the various tunes that we bow to made time go by really quickly. Thou my legs were aching much more this time, whenever we started bowing, it fades away naturally...

Day 1 (Fri), stayed to chat with my bro Jaycas online and finally made it up to cttb for the afternoon session. When I got there, Frank immediately said to me "you're late!" Lolz... it was hilarious... the way he said it. Hahz.

During the bowing, I was thinking about a question Denyse asked me several weeks ago, about what attracted me so much to keep going to the temple... I didn't have the answer then... but now I know... It is the people that kept me going back all these years.... the smiles that always greet me whenever I'm up there, the sincerity and generosity that I have been shown... up there, we're like a really big family...

At night, watched movies with the boys school - "cloverfield." It wasn't that good... and we didn't even finish it as Mr. K busted them for not watching the movie he assigned..

Day 2 (Sat), was sitting with Charlie during lunch when Sunny, my fellow singaporean bro, comes up to where I was sitting and shows me that really sad face saying "you pang seh me... (u abandoned me)" Lolz... it looked so cute! Lolz... At night, Charlie accompanied me to study and in return I followed him to the last ceremony of the day thou I was a little unwilling as I still had lots to study. But I guess something cool came out of that. While walking back, we saw an owl. It was my 1st time seeing a real owl and it flew over our heads several times.

Day 3 (Sun), after all the bowing sessions, went for study hall in the boys school and did a bit of my homework. Mr K. popped by and after helping Andrew with his maths, said aloud "Anyone else needs help, and I'm saying this sarcastically!" And he was referring to me.. lolz... thats Mr. K for you, with his British humor. Didn't get much done thou as Victor kept talking to me the whole while though I don't think I heard a word he said... =P... Sorriez bro.. And halfway, Navin suddenly started pinching my cheeks saying I'm so pinchable! And he's like 10 years younger than me man! And Sunny steps in to say "Hey!沒大沒小..." and then adds "you think you are me ah?" and pinches the other side! I thought he was on my side! Sobz... I kena bullied by kids...

Oh wellz, so this is my bro Sunny. If you had watched kids central several years ago, you might remember him. He used to be one of the young actors there. But now that he's in USA, I guess we share something in common, being Singaporeans who live in USA, leading 2 different lives. That is why everytime I come up, all we do is speak in Singlish and reminiscence about the good ole days in Singapore, and laugh about its idiosyncrasies. And every night, he walks me all the way back to my room before going back to his which is like just 2 mins away... lolz... So sweet...hahaz... but I really appreciate it. Thanks Bro! =)

Friday, May 02, 2008


Was in school today, studying from 0830 to 1830! 10 hours of studying in total man... crazie... No choice, gotta get everything done before heading up to the cttb this wk end to play! I mean er... pray! Hahz...

Not the longest I've done thou. Back in high school and Uni days, used to cram all the time. My record was 2 weeks in seclusion, not leaving my room at all, with all meals delivered to my doorsteps... and that got my F9 failing chinese grade to an A2 in O levels! Lolz... Gone are those days thou... I no longer have that kind of stamina.

Apart from all the mugging, there are always good things that happen! Got to chat with Samuel Teo and Weiliang!!! Argh... Miss u guys so much! Finally get to see you 2 online. Too bad i was in class then.. but still... even just a word of "hi" makes me sooo sooo happy! =D

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Settling Stuff

Got quite alot done today. Went to visit Mrs Chen, and she treated me this time to home made buns, pickled vegetables and porridge! Then went up to Berkeley to register for my class in DRBU. I'm finally gonna start on the 藥性賦 project! Exciting... the project that everyone's been talking about, but no one has seen... Did some studying at the monastery after, then came back home and packed my room! Always feels good to step into a neat room... the sense of satisfaction... Ahhh.... I know... the curtains look really kiddy... They were left behind by the previous tenant. I'm just happy to have something to cover! So stop laughing! Gheez... =P