Thursday, May 22, 2008



Oh well... apart from those horrible things i mentioned above... things are going pretty well otherwise...(Its good to know another language! Heez...) Found out that one of my friends in Singapore is actually doing the TCM program in NTU! Lolz... so we started chatting about what we've learned so far and the difference in our curriculum. But I also learned that my current school is not recognized by the TCM board of Singapore. Hmmz... that changes things... what am I gonna do... I think... I'm still gonna go on with it here. Lolz! If Singapore dun want me... I'm sure there's someplace else in the world that wants me. Maybe look for a job in USA? Maybe study with the Healing monk in Thailand? Maybe join the acupuncture school internship in China or Japan? There are other options I guess...

Someone once mentioned that I look like a character that popped out from some anime, especially with my spiky hair. I think i lead my life like one too... Lolz! Meeting different masters, and learning different skills. Very 武俠小說 like... Hahaz. So in response to the tags on my tagboard, I don't think I need to grow up... I've grown already... and am continuing to grow... as mentioned on my side column, おれの性命の町は、自分でいらんで (The path of my life, I shall choose it on my own). I'd admit though.. that my real life mite be slightly anime influenced... but I believe its possible! Heez...

As for others having no choice but to stay mainstream for survival... I think its more like how much risk are they willing to take? How much are they willing to gamble with their life to follow their heart? I believe, if you're doing the right thing... the world will take care of you naturally... The Chinese have a saying, "天下無不可走的路“ right? Or something liddat... Hahz.

Alritez... enuff of my rumblings.. hmmz... think this is the 1st post that contained 3 different languages... Hahaz... just some reflections of mine thou... Whether I'd still maintain the same thinking in the future, I dunno... but for now, thats the direction that the wind is blowing for me... and I chose to follow it. Hmmz... wonder where will it blow me to...

Oh, and to my "son," hope you're feeling better now! Sometimes its not easy growing up as a kid... but being young is one of the best things in life! Take your time to enjoy it. And thank you for all the love! hahz... glad that i was able to be of comfort =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahaa, my scar is healing nicely, although I forget about it sometimes because it's so small and then I do something and it opens slightly...yeah, airheaded me XD

So my brother is an anime character eh? If I helps, I think my life is like a soap opera sometimes. All these things that have happened that I never thought possible, and so dramatic that there really are no word to describe them!

But yeah, we all grow in our ways. Even if our actions or appearance don't make it out that way, inside we are growing day by day :)

And don't worry, you'll get a job anywhere you go because you're my brother and I have FAITH IN YOU :)