Thursday, May 29, 2008


Went to Walmart to walk today, spent a lil time at the clothes section, then spent about an hour walking around the camping section, looking at different camping tools, multi-purpose tools, battery-less lamps, and first aid kits... and finally walked out empty handed again... I realize I like camping gadgets... I realize I like to do window shopping too... Lolz

Got inspiried to cook Japanese Curry for dinner tonight. Tot it was gonna be easy... took me 2 hours instead... Ended up having dinner at around 9pm... And we just learned in school that eating after 7pm is bad... But I couldn't help it... I was hungry and it smelt good! So I had second servings too! Lolz (There goes my hope for growing thinner...)

The last time I cooked Jap curry was when I first came to USA in 2001. It was with the first group of friends that I made in USA - Yuka, Hideaki, Shuji, Yuri... (Yup... they're all Japanese...) And that was the best Jap Curry that I have ever had.

Got to know a new friend today too - Cherlyn. Was joking with Weyman about wanting to know her and who knows he really added her in our chat! =.="... But I guess, its always nice to know more friends! So yup, nice meeting you Cherlyn! =) And yupz... thanks Weyman for introducing. (Nah... happy? Your name finally appeared in my post. Lolz)


Anonymous said...

WINDOWWWW SHOPPINGGGG!! :) Someone has the camping bug, eh? XD

Anonymous said...

Maybe you were a chef in your past life, hehehe!