Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Received a msg out of the blue last night at about 1am from a friend, it goes like this: "Hey bro, sorry i couldn't make an effort to meet u... i will always remember the times we enjoyed together. Hope that your future will be bright as ever... and i just wanted to tell you it is an honour having you as a friend... Coz friends are hard to come by... And i truly treasure this friendship! Hope to see u around soon. All the best in life... Nights!"
It's funny coz i didn't really say i was leaving or what, so i asked him why the sudden emo msg, and his reply was "Don't noe la, just find that u are a good friend and just wanted to let you noe that you've taught me some lessons in life that i now started to think about... so thanks... then at the same time like very seldom spend time with each other anymore, scared u lonely..."
After this msg, it got me thinking, that sometimes, we get so busy in life, that we forget those around us... That sometimes a simple msg of hi once a while can keep old contacts going and even light up a person's life at that moment!
And that you do not need to have any reasons before you can tell another person that you treasure his/her friendship... Or to thank another person for any simple thing he/she has done, or just for being there... Coz you never know what might happen with each passing day...
Sometimes, its better not to hold back your thoughts, as the other person may not always understand what you're thinking. Dare to do what you wish to do, to say what you want to say... For once that chance is lost, you never know when it'll come back again... Follow your heart and treasure every single person and every single moment in your life...
To my friend, I am really honored by your message, and I just wanted to thank you for your msg and to let you know that i really treasure this friendship too. To thank you for being there all the times that I have been lonely... and for even having the thought that i might have been lonely even though i seldom say it out... And to thank you for all the times spent together and all the wonderful memories...
To all my close friends out there, just wanted to take this opportunity to tell u all that i really treasure your friendship, and every minute that we ever get to spend together. Love y'al!....

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