Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So fast, 2 quarters have gone by and its Finals week again... Memorizations, Regurgitations and of course, Procrastinations... Took my TCM Fundamentals and Meridian Points Exam today. Missed a few questions on Fundamentals but got perfect score for Points! Guess the late night crammings paid off. 2 down, 2 more to go...

Was used by my teacher after to be a model for the points examination practical. But I got all the really cute girls in class! So no complains! I willingly "sacrifice" my body... Hahahaz. Also found out that the study notes I created and emailed to a friend got circulated around the school and now everyone's using it. Hmmz... potential business idea huhz.. hahaz

Went for an acupuncture treatment after and the person seeing was Marissa! What a coincidence, I just got to know her yesterday. So I got a pretty intense treatment. 15 needles in total. (4 on my feets, 2 in my legs, 4 in my abdomen, 2 in my hands, 2 on the sides of my head and 1 on the top). Got more herbs to try out brewing too! Double double toil and trouble....


Anonymous said...

YOU CAN DO IT :) And don't stay up too late - it's bad for you!! :(

Anonymous said...

Hahahaa, my brother = teacher's pet/guinea pig XD

Does that mean I'll get a sister in law soon? XD