Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Veggie Fair

Haven't been blogging for a while... my badz.. was just being lazy. Lolz... Well, lots happened over the past few days. Stayed over at Andrew's place on Sat night and woke up the next morning to go with them to the Vegetarian Expo in Sacramento. As Aunt Guojuan stayed up till almost 3am the last night preparing the food, she kept blinking as she was driving up, so i offered to drive instead and the moment we swap places, she fell asleep in the back seat. Must be really tired...

We got there in time and all the other cooks (mums) were already there cooking. There were lots of really yummy food and performances. Rev Heng Sure was there too and he met an old friend, his classmate from 40 years ago! Its really cool but also scary at the same time i guess to think how 40 years passes by with just the blink of an eye.

Went back to Andrew's house after, another 1 hour's drive and this time, I was pretty sleepy... eyes kept drooping. Fortunately, there was a random can of coconut water in the car! Lolz... I was refreshed by that and made it home. After a little rest, Andrew's mom was up cooking again. Lolz... I was out thou... too tired to do anything, but helped stir fry one dish. After dinner, I was just too tired to return home. Feeling a little queasy and nausea... so I stayed for another night before heading home the next day. Probably ate too much in the day... Lolz...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man Brother, you did beat me!! It's just sad to continually blog without pictures :( I wish my pictures would upload!!

Glad you're feeling better!!

Are you aware that you spell your name Jonathan without an H but spell Johnnie with one?? XD