Finally slept at 3am last night, woke up at 6:45am and headed to the monastery for the continuation of the Shurangama recitation. Tired, sleepy, but I managed to last throughout the day. Recited from scroll 2 to scroll 5 today. Lunch ceremony was breath-taking as we held the 百僧供 event today (Offerings to a hundred Sanghans). I have only read about it in Sutras, and this is my 1st time seeing it. A very grand event, and they got the kids to bring in the offerings (oopz... child labor? lolz) But its an event of tremendous merits according to Sutras.
I also chatted with some of the monks and was surprised to find out that most of them are around my age. Like 祖永師 is just 3 months older than me! They're all pretty cool and told me to come hang out more often. Lolz. We've become like friends. And 覺聞師 gave me a miniature version of the Shurangama Sutra. (Still pretty big... lolz) and a picture of 虛雲老和尚 and his teacher. Can't believe it. Several months ago i was just thinking of how am I to get a picture of 虛老 and now I got it!
The day's event finally ended at 5pm. Made my way to visit my bro Nathaniel and his family for a while. And I guess I look pretty tired as my bro kept insisting I take a nap. Lolz... thanks bro. Guess I can't hide from you... Guess u can tell the diff after seeing the same me for 15 years... lolz. After that, headed over to my maternal grandma's place for a while before returning home to collapse.
Gotta go pick my elder sis from the airport at 11pm later... then my youngest sis at 2am. 6am... its back to the monastery.... My day is packed. I'm Tired...
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