Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 5 - Shanghai

Arrived at Shanghai today and was received by a surprised Victor. He didn't know I was coming along. Been a long time since we met as well. So in Bejing I met Mark who's studying Western Medicine. In Shanghai, I meet Victor who's studying Chinese Medicine! My health care is covered. Lolz.

Shanghai has a much more robust culture and a quicker pace of life. Vehicle horns can be heard all through the day. Streets are filled with people mostly around the working age and you see all your familiar brand names here - 7/11 from USA, Lawson from Japan, Family Mart and Cafe 85 from Taiwan, Starbucks... etc. Very different from Beijing. Due to last min arrangements, there was not enough rooms at the hotel so we were given rooms at the executive block for the same price. Luxurious. I even have my own kitchen, balcony, and a sofa to entertain guests. Gheez Mark, you should have crashed here instead! Lolz.

Life is more stressful here as well, as experienced from the waitress serving us during dinner. When we put forth all our vegetarian requests, she snapped at us saying that we might as well just drink plain water. The Madalena made a smart move! She said “eating vegetarian makes you healthy and beautiful. But I guess you are already healthy and beautiful” And immediately, she saw to it that all our requests were met with. Sweet words go a looooonng way! We all love praises. So... learn to be sweet. Eat more sugar. Lolz.

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