Monday, May 18, 2009

Random rumblings

In the "Best place in the world to live in" ranking, Singapore got ranked 26. The only asian country in the top 30. Not bad... But i guess it doesn't consider the fact that out of the 30 top countries, its the only one with national service... booo... Lolz... Oh wellz, I have my carte blanche k... SF surprisingly was ranked 30th. Sydney got 10th! Maybe I should consider going for that law course... lolz. Oh well.... Yes, I'm still rocking back and forth as to what to do with my future...

With regards to the present, well, met a friend for a drink, then on my way home on the train, this baby kept wanting to play with me despite his parents telling him to not disturb others. So I started playing with him too! Lolz... Yes... I never grow up. =)


Anonymous said...

i like secondhand serenade as well :D

so what happened with australia??

Imprezzionist said...

still considering. Law school's in australia. Got into U of Sydney.