Monday, July 06, 2009

The real thing begins..

Its only my 2nd week in the law firm, and technically just my 4th day at work, and I've already been given all sorts of stuff. Was asked to write a contract for one of the clients today which, of course, ended up with tonnes of mistakes much to the displeasure of the lawyer.

Was tasked by another lawyer to conduct a search on an organization and retrieve details about them.

Yet another sent me on an errant to another law firm.

And tomorrow, I'm scheduled to attend a trial in the Singapore Supreme Court in the morning with one laywer, and in the afternoon, I'm suppose to assist another lawyer. And a third lawyer was asking if I was free to follow him to the prisons...

Dude... its a lil overwhelming. I have no legal background! But then again, I guess it has to start somewhere. Better to learn it now that later. Just hafta bite my teeth and dash head first into all the upcoming arrows and reprimands! Its not easy to be a lawyer...

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