Thursday, October 15, 2009


Been a long time since i blogged... Basically that's what working life does to you - suck out all energy so that u have none left to do anything else. Other than that, think everything else is going fine.

Brought some non-veggie friends to a vegetarian restaurant last week and they were surprised by the kind of food they found there. Can you believe it? Vegetarian KFC that tastes just like the real thing? Lolz... Well... there's my explanation for being able to stay a vegetarian. You get all the same flavours minus the killing =).

Went to the Night Safari over the weekend, there were holding some halloween event with a scary night trail filled with monsters hiding in the bushes waiting to pounce on you. A fun frightful night! Lolz

Wednesday, was supposed to celebrate a friend's birthday but i decided to accompany my mom instead and got to have home cooked food! Its been sooo long since i had home cooked food from mum... so to those out there who get it everyday, pls pls pls appreciate it. Anyway, had lots of fun cooking together and then eating. Simple yet tasty.

Work wise, seriously... i think i should consider acting instead. Most ppl don't even realize that i have not even started law school yet. Just today, the opposite side sent an associate director, and my side sends... Me. Lolz... Oh well... Interesting.... Till the end of the meeting, they still didn't realize i'm just an intern...

1 comment:

:D said...

zomg. i miss you!
hahahhaa. yeah i haven't blogged in awhile too.

i miss my mom's cooking too xDD