Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The most beautiful meteor shower ever...

Met up with some friends last night to catch dinner and the lenoid meteor shower together, but we were met instead with showers and thunderstorm... And when that finally cleared, we were left with a sky lit orange by the city lights. It was an empty dream to wish to see stars in the cosmopolitan city of Singapore... Going home, I went to bed dissapointed in the wee hours of the morning... and that was when it started... the most beautiful meteor shower ever....

I dreamt that i returned home sad about not seeing the meteor shower, and there in the house was all my loved ones, my family and friends. They are the real stars in my life. And when i made that realization, suddenly the skies lit up with ten million shooting stars, streaking through the heavens. It was the most beautiful sight ever, like fireworks lighting up the night... Then it even started to snow, coating the forest like iceing on a cake. The view was breath-taking. And with my loved ones there with me, it made is so much more wonderful. Just then my grand mother called me over and gave me a gift and said it was nothing but that was all she had. I was so touched that tears welled up within me. I woke up from the dream and felt that I have seen the best meteor shower anyone can ever see....

Sometimes we just don't realize, that the most wonderful miracle in our lives, are the people around us. Never take others for granted and treasure every moment in life.

1 comment:

:D said...


this post was really touching XD. i'm glad you had a good dream :] i was sleeping that night during the meteor shower! bwhahhaaha. julia texted me at 1am xD