Sunday, November 04, 2007

Straightening my life...

Yes! I'm finally gonna be straight again! Straight as in walking straight... what were you thinking about? Hahaz...
Yup... had a severe back injury some time in the beginning of the year which left me partially paralyzed on a wheel chair... When to a hospital and the stupid doctor only gave me a jab of pain killers and discharged me from the hospital... THe pain didn't go away, neither was i able to walk with my legs... Was so disappointed with western medicine...
So my mom brought me to see this Uncle who knew Tui-na, the chinese physiotherapy, and by his hands alone, he pushed my entire spine straight. Not at one short thou... took several months. But at least I could start walking after the first session with a slight slant. Hella painful process thou... Coz the spine has the entire central nervous system connected to it. Almost blacked out one session due to the sheer force and pain....
So he came to check my back again yesterday, and said it was almost back straight. Soon, i'll be normal again! Hahz...
Well after that, went out with Keith and Damian, ate at Swensons Yishun and they gave me an ice cream cone that was soft! The cone melted before the ice cream did! So upsetting.... Then went to watch Star dust! Hella good movie.
In totaly... spent almost a hundred dollars! Damn... I'm broke now... really broke... As Richard Kiyosaki will put it... I'm living the poor man's cycle... Gotta find a way to get rich! hahaz....

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