Sunday, December 02, 2007

Sun, sand and sea...

Just returned from my 3D2N Bintan Trip with Aaron, Andre and Yongchao. Turns out to be not so bad after all, despite hearing all the horror stories from family and friends. Well, the ferry ride there was horrible to start with, and day 1 was indeed pretty boring... other than swimming in the pool, there was nothing that we can do due to the monsoon. No wind surfing, no sailing, no kayaking, no fishing! No swimming in the open seas even! Gheez... So we just rot in the resort... So boring!...and food's hella expensive there...

But we decided to make our trip more interesting after that... so we borrowed a ball and played water polo, following that, decided to leave the resort to go to the local market where we got good food at reasonable prices! The adventure was just beginning...

Day 2, we woke up early to hit the gym, and after a good workout, headed for the complimentary breakfast buffet where we ate both the share for our breakfast and lunch. It was then sun tanning time while we digested our food.

The sea was still rough and though the red flag for no swimming was up, there was another signage that wrote - "Swim at your own risk"... So we decided to make the most of our trip... Getting into our surfer's gear, we each rented a body surf board and went for the waves. Aaron went for the black board saying it was "garang" and when the life guard heard that, he started laughing at him. Lolz... but we made a friend there and he taught us how to surf and within minutes, we were out into the open seas, fighting and riding the waves on our own. The life guard even extended our rental time by another hour for free.

After a whole day of exercise, we headed back to the market where Andre and Yongchao had massage, then we had dinner. Another sumptuous dinner and this time, we even had our own personal classical quartet playing songs for our table. So romantic.. hahz. The restaurant also offered us a ride back to the resort for free, and back there, we played cards, drank, ate peanuts and watch tv... how typical...

Day 3, had a heavy brunch again, then walked back to the beach where the friend we made yesterday let us climb up the lifeguard tower and look through his binoculars! Then we had another short sun tanning session, and it felt great! Bright sun, soft sand, cool breeze... Perfect environment! Soon.. it was time to leave... But this time, the ferry ride back wasn't so bad... All in all, it was a good trip.

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