Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Had my 1st midterms for Fundamentals II and Herbs I today... considering the amount of studying that i did... i think it went well... Lolz. Following that, headed over to Richard's place in SF and we cooked dinner. A simple but good meal, only the veggie dish that I made was a little too salty. I usually cook for myself only. So this time for 2 person, I did not know the estimate... Lolz.. Oh well... I'm improving slowly. Planning to go for a movie with the rest of the boy's school who's around the bay area tomorrow... We'll see how it goes.

Continued watching my Amatsuki anime. Realized the ending song was really nice and meaningful... its title is - 名前ないの道 (The road with no name). Playing it at my blog now. Here's the lyrics with some of my translation... lolz:

その目は今 何を映すだろう 目に見えない真実が本当はあって
I wonder what those eyes are reflecting right now, an invisible truth is what it holds

すべてが閉じる(空へ)眠りについた夜も 水は流れゆく
Even thou everything has ended and the night has fallen asleep, the water flows on

歩きだせ 荒野へ 明日が来るその前に 描きだせ未来を 君が進むその道に 足跡も名前もいらない
Walk towards the wilderness before tomorrow comes. In the future that you paint, the path that you walk on, has no need for footprints or names.

100の祈り 胸に抱きしめて たったひとつの 夢を見つけられたらいいね
I hold to my heart 100 prayers, hope I can find even just one dream

You’re fine just the way you are (always). The you that is different from everyone else, is your treasure.

遥かなる未来が 君だけを待っているよ はじめて本当の自分に逢えた気がする まだ夜は明けないけれど
Only you hold the distant future. I feel like I've met the real me for the first time, even though dawn hasn’t broken yet

歩きだせ 荒野へ 明日が来るその前に描きだせ 未来を 君が進むその道に足跡も名前もいらない
Walk towards the wilderness before tomorrow comes. In the future that you paint, the path that you walk on, has no need for footprints or names.

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