Andrew's younger cousins came to play today and boy are they hyper. They never seem to get tired. So halfway, Andrew left to play basketball whilst I went along and finished "New Moon." Returned home and played with his cousins for a lil while more before I got started with "Eclipse." Half way through now..
I think of the 3 books, New Moon's so far the best! I think Bella should just choose Jacob instead of Edward... Lolz! ok... i know this sentence is gonna drive alot of Edward fans crazy. Lolz.... Hey, we're entitled to our own preference and opinions right. Anyway, I think Stephanie Meyer's is an extraordinary writer. She's manage to portray all the characters and make them so real. Its so easy to imagine them as someone whom you know in your life. Can't believe she's only got a B.A in English Literature from Brigham Young University. I've got a B.A in English Lit from Berkeley... why can't I write such stories? Its unfair... so disappointed in myself... Lolz... Oh wellz...
HAHAHAHAAAA, you're really allergic to all those pungent plants? XD A true Buddhist, eh? XD Great, now you actually go to restaurants and say you're allergic to all those things and you wouldn't be lying :D
Apparently all my cousins have this so called "hyper gene" - I had it :D
Hahahaa, I prefer Jacob too (in the movies) because Edward is kind of creepy looking in real life :D
They did get a good actor for the part of Jacob. He really does look a lil like a wolf. Really cool. Lolz. But on top of that, in the story, he gives the impression of being very sun-shiny. Lolz.. Yay! Another Bella-jacob supporter! Lolz
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