Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Always recite...

Went to SF to meet up with my previous schoolmates today. I was wonderful meeting all of them again! They always have so much capacity for love and I'm sure that they're all gonna be great healers in the future.

Went to SF union square to do some shopping after and when taking the Bart home, I realized that I have lost my recitation beads. Those beads meant a lot to me. They were given to me by Lama Thinley Gyurmey. A good TIbetan friend of mine. When we first met each other in Taiwan, it felt almost as if we had known each other many lifetimes before. That set of beads have accompanied me around the world since then, through my military days, and through all the lonely and scary nights in vacant hotels and in deep forests. Oh well, things come and things go. I guess I should not be too attached to things... may whoever picks up those beads carry on the recitation and bring forth the bodhi resolve.

I took the wrong train and ended up at the wrong stop in Oakland fortunately several hours before the riots made way to that part. It started with a peaceful protest at Fruitvale station progressing all the way to Broadway and 14th, and ended up with police cars being set on fire, cars and properties being smashed, and tear gas being shot all over. I guess losing those beads is a small matter compared to the riots. Perhaps losing them had helped me to avert being caught in the middle of the disaster? I'm glad i was reciting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you lost your beads, brother!! Tammy lost hers in Oregon and I remember Drew lost his in France...
