Thursday, April 09, 2009

Day 24 - Beijing

Basically gave Mark a big good bye hug this morning thinking that it'll be years before we meet again. Then I called the airline office after he left for school and surprisingly managed a last minute change with no penalties at all! Guess perhaps its like what my mom had said, i was meant to go. So my ticket's been extended to the 14th of April. And when Mark came back from school, he found me sitting in his room as always. Big disappointment huhz... You can't get rid of me! Lolz!

We went back to 西單 for dinner and shopping. Had a really spicy hot pot dinner! Check out the chillies. The restaurant even provided two complimentary boxes of tissue papers per table for customers. Desserts at Mc Donalds and they have banana pie! How interesting. Didn't buy much. The nice coat that I saw 2 days ago at Zara got sold out. Not meant to waste money. Heading for An Hui tml.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaa, they do say that things happen for a reason :)