Sunday, May 31, 2009

Aquarama Day 4 - Lelong! Lelong!

Last Day of Aquarama. We had a farm visit and I was assigned the task of emcee and tour guide. Most of it was impromptu and I forgot alot of details but I'd say it's not as bad as I thought. It was an international crowd of about a hundred people hailing from:

USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Japan, Taiwan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Norway, Kuwait, Russia, Italy, Greece, Rome and South Africa.

We even had dragon dance performance, and provided food and drinks. The most popular spot was still the air conditioned fish packing room due to the hot weather. Many people left happy and I got lots of business inquiries. Good start!

After the farm tour, I rushed back to the exhibition hall and started packing and selling our display items. It was crazy... $50 fishes were sold for as low as $5 - $10. Its just too troublesome to pack everything home. And even thou it was going at such low prices, people still wanted to bargain for lower! Gheez.... oh wellz... Our 4 day exhibition is finally over but business is still ongoing. Many of them have requested for private farm visits over the next few days and I guess we'll be busy with that and email correspondences. I'm happy to be busy. Always better than staring at the 4 walls. =)


Anonymous said...

what is this aquarama you speak of?? :D

Imprezzionist said...

Aquarama is an International Fish Trade Show held once every 2 years where Fish businesses, breeders, hobbyist and suppliers from all over the world come together to exchange contacts and information