Friday, May 08, 2009


剛看完一部台灣的影片:巧克力重擊(Chocolate Rap)。台灣嘻哈的文化還是蠻盛的喔。看了真想去學嘻哈舞。 真可惜現在已經太老了。在學可能會把身體內所有的骨頭都跳碎。接下來又看了另一部在台灣公視播放的戲劇:艾草。我覺得這部戲拍得很好。因為它不只顯示了我們現在社會上人與人之間不同複雜的關係,但也提示了年輕老少一家四代的傳統價值觀和個人主義的對抗。真是一個非常現代化的戲劇,也包含了很多近代的看法。很值得一看。真可惜新加坡公視是不可能播放這些戲劇的。他們只會重複以前所播過的影片。

Such a pity Singapore's media authority doesn't really bring in much international independent films into the local TV or theaters. Instead they keep repeating films that have been shown hundreds of times on tv.

As for the local dramas, I don't know... seems like it lacks a certain individuality, a specialty, culture, passion or something like that... take for example the hip hop in Chocolate Rap - its about the hip hop culture in Taiwan. Singapore's drama mostly show about family life which you experience everyday... it doesn't take you away into fantasy land like those Korean or Jap love stories... rather, it makes you face what you already face everyday - the sad truth about your mundane life.

1 comment:

Yang C said...

"真可惜現在已經太老了"'s never too old!