Monday, June 15, 2009

Walking mirror

Finished Shurangama scroll 4 today. Lecture was interesting as well. 惟海法師 mentioned about a Buddhist phenomenon he observed. He said this occurs especially in people who're new to Buddhism and full of vigor! They start learning about the basic philosophies and start criticizing the bad points of others conduct, becoming a walking mirror to others. These people he said, are totally missing the entire point of cultivation. Cultivation is about cultivating your own nature and not other's nature.

How true... I'm sure we all know one or two people like this. Lolz. Another interesting line i picked out is 天同一理,人同一心. Sounds really abstract. Lolz

1 comment:

Yang C said...

Haha I gotta learn not to do that as much! The wise are the ones who don't speak with words, but with their own actions and behaviour