Sunday, June 14, 2009


Finished reciting Shurangama Scroll 3 today. Lecture after that was really interesting. The dharma master was 惟海法師. He just completed a 10 year Shurangama seclusion and today he lectured on the different methods of cultivation and their difference. He ended the lecture on a really good note i think... He ended it with a question telling us to come back tomorrow with the answer. The question was "當我們說修楞嚴法的時候,到底是在修甚麼?"

After the lecture, I managed to get a private session with 惟海法師 through Mrs Wong! Wow. He's the abbot of Pu Tuo Shan and the disciple of Venerable Miao Shan! Who's shariras I just paid respects to during my last China trip. What a coincidence. 惟海法師 entered seclusion in 1996 and so in alot of the conversation he kept asking me how was Cttb doing and was really happy to hear my "reports." Lolz. Really thankful for another such rare opportunity.

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