Sunday, April 13, 2008


Haven't been sleeping much lately, staying up late to chat with my lovely bros from Singapore. Although it is tiring, yet it gives me so much joy to be able to stay in contact with everyone and share stories about our lives that sometimes, i neglect my physical body.

Because of that, I was really tired on Saturday, yet it was a full day. My good friend David Williams showed up at the monastery just to tell Sandy and me that he's going on a 2 week native american survival retreat! There's bound to be some pretty cool stories from that.

During lunch, I sat with David and was facing the women's table. And while eating in silence, I had this thought: "How fortunate I am, to be part of this wonderful group of people who came together out of goodness and generosity." I ate my lunch smiling to myself all throughout.

After lunch, managed to do some studying, memorized all the 5 elements and its various characteristics pertaining to the human body. And surprisingly, lecture at night was about sutras, and memorizing sutras and about how we have become so dependent on technology that we seldom use our memory anymore. Remember how you used to memorize all the phone numbers of your parents and best friends? Now its just all in the phone book. Interesting isn't it? Now talking about memorizing sutras, I guess i've been slacking off alot on my part... 精進!精進!

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